Orange basketball photo for a background image

Well, I did the dark basketball photo, which I sure you can see in related posts. Here is the clean, not photo-shopped version in case you need it like that or want to make your own basketball texture.

orange basketball background texture

orange basketball background texture

About myfreetextures

Hi, Welcome to my site. My name is Phil. About me - Husband, father, geographer, traveler, photographer and all round nice guy :) I have love for the oddities, doors, windows, textures etc and I'm used to the strange looks I get when taking a photo of a wall, the grass, a road or a something I find interesting. Some of those images end up here and I hope you find them useful. Please remember to check the license!

One comment

  1. Oscar Alberto Pérez

    Somos una fundación Experiencia Naranja, hacemos trabajo social+deportivo con cniños y jovenes que practican baloncesto en Colombia.
    Muchas gracias por su colaboración.

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